Loan Watch: Monday, 22nd April Loan Watch: Monday, 22nd April

Loan Watch: Monday, 22nd April

With opportunities to impress becoming something of a premium, a small selection of Walsall's fringe players have gone out on loan in a bid to force their way into the club's first-team plans.
Defenders Dan Vann and Callum Cockerill-Mollett, and strikers Cameron Peters and Dylan Parker are currently plying their trade with local non-league sides as they look to build some much-important match fitness and give the gaffer something to think about.

Dan Vann and Callum Cockerill-Mollett retained their starting spots as Chasetown made the short trip to Harrison Park where they faced Leek Town in their latest Evo-Stik League Division One West fixture of the season.

Monday's match was a little more successful than last Saturday's clash with Prescot Cables - the Scholars suffering a 4-1 drubbing at the hands of the Pesky Bulls - as second-half substitute George Cater was able to come off the bench and put his side back on level terms. A welcome awayday point.

Cameron Peters was an unused substitute as Bromsgrove Sporting played host to Coleshill Town in their latest Evo-Stik Southern League Premier Division Central fixture of the season.

Cameron, who was on the scoresheet as the Rouslers defeated Aylesbury United by three-goals-to-nil at the weekend, watched as his temporary side ran out winners by two-goals-to-nil as Kieren Westwood (64') and Richard Gregory (68') helped their side to make it nineteen home games unbeaten.

Dylan Parker was a second-half substitute as Leamington played host to Nuneaton Borough in one of their final Vanarama National League North games of the 2018/19 campaign.

Dylan, who was brought on alongside former Saddlers midfielder Reece Flanagan after sixty-five minutes, was part of a successful afternoon at the Phillips 66 Community Stadium as Colby Bishop bagged a hat-trick (18', 20', 61') to secure three well-deserved points.
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