Loan Watch: Saturday, 6th April Loan Watch: Saturday, 6th April

Loan Watch: Saturday, 6th April

With opportunities to impress becoming something of a premium, a small selection of Walsall's fringe players have gone out on loan in a bid to force their way into the club's first-team plans.
Defenders Dan Vann and Callum Cockerill-Mollett, and strikers Dylan Parker and Cameron Peters are currently plying their trade in the lower leagues as they look to build some much-important match fitness.

Dan Vann was named in the Chasetown side to take on Kendal Town in their latest Evo-Stik League Division One West outing of the season.

Vann, who was joined by Saddlers colleague Callum Cockerill-Mollett in Chasetown's midweek victory over Glossop North End, had to make do without his fellow Saddler as the left-back was left out of the matchday squad.

The Scholars were in fine form, even without the previously ever-present Cockerill-Mollett, and easily dispatched their opponents by five goals to nil as Jack Langston (PEN - 5'), Tom Hill (7', & 24'), George Cater (23'), and Liam Kirton (75') all hit the back of the net.

Cameron Peters was a late second-half substitute as his Bromsgrove Sporting side took on Barton Rovers in the Evo-Stik Southern League Premier Division Central.

Hereford-born Peters, who didn't take to the field until the 84th minute - replacing Charlie Dowd - was unable to change the score as the Rouslers and Rovers played out a two-all draw with Josh Quaynor (36') and Richard Gregory (PEN - 57') netting for Sporting.

Dylan Parker was not involved as Leamington faced Curzon Ashton in the Vanarama National League North. A late second-half goal from Colby Bishop was enough to secure a point for the Brakes.
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