Loan Watch: Saturday, 30th March Loan Watch: Saturday, 30th March

Loan Watch: Saturday, 30th March

Walsall manager Dean Keates has allowed a selection of his squad's fringe players to go out on loan in a bid to force their way into his first-team plans.
Defenders Dan Vann and Callum Cockerill-Mollett, and strikers Dylan Parker and Cameron Peters are currently plying their trade in the lower leagues, with some enjoying plenty of first-team football.

Dan Vann and Callum Cockerill-Mollett maintained their run of first-team football as they were named in the Chasetown side to take on Colne in their latest Evo-Stik League Division One West outing of the season.

Sadly for the young Saddlers, they were unable to keep their sheet clean as goals from Matthew Morgan (47'), Bradley Lynch (50'), and Reece Jebb-Foster (75') cancelled out Jack Langston's first-half penalty to see Colne home to victory.

Cameron Peters was a second-half substitute as his Bromsgrove Sporting side took on Didcot Town in the Evo-Stik Southern League Premier Division Central.

Peters, who didn't take to the field until the 65th minute, was part of a successful outing as goals from Jason Cowley (6') and Charlie Dowd (64') secured a 2-1 win at the Didcot's GWR Loop Meadow Stadium.

Dylan Parker was not involved as Leamington faced, and defeated, Ashton United in the Vanarama National League North. A second-half goal from former Saddler Reece Flanagan was enough to win the match for the Brakes.
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