Loan Watch: Saturday, 16th February Loan Watch: Saturday, 16th February

Loan Watch: Saturday, 16th February

Walsall goalkeeper Joe Slinn, defenders Dan Vann and Callum Cockerill-Mollett, midfielder Jordon Sangha, winger Tobias Hayles-Docherty, and strikers Dylan Parker and Cameron Peters, are currently spending time away from Banks's Stadium as they look to force their way into Dean Keates' first-team plans.
Slinn and Parker are with Rushall Olympic, academy products Vann and Cockerill-Mollett are with Chasetown, Sangha is with Hednesford Town, Hayles-Docherty is with Walsall Wood, and Cameron Peters is with Bromsgrove Sporting.

Joe Slinn was once again unable to play through injury with debutant Matthew Sargeant stepping between the sticks as Rushall welcomed Bedworth United to Dales lane for their latest Evo-Stik Southern League Premier Division Central outing.

Walsall colleague Dylan Parker retained his spot in the starting XI but was unable to get on the scoresheet as Rushall and Bedworth played out a goalless draw with debut-making stopper Sargeant earning both a clean sheet and Man of the Match plaudits for his superb display in the gloves..

Dan Vann and Callum Cockerill-Mollett continued their spells in the Chasetown starting XI as they took to the field against Widnes in the Scholars' latest Evo-Stik Northern Premier League West Division fixture of the season.

Chasetown boss Scott Dundas will be pleased with his side's display as goals from James Askey (36'), Will Whieldon (44'), and Tom Hill (90') cancelled out George Lomax's 23rd minute opener to see the Scholars bounce back from last weekend's defeat to Atherton in style.

Jordon Sangha was named on the bench as Hednesford Town faced Marine at Keys Park, the long-serving Saddler having to make do with eighteen minutes of play as he replaced Jud Ellis during the second-half.

It was to be a frustrating debut for Jordon as he and his new teammates slipped to defeat despite creating plenty of goal-scoring opportunities. The only goal of the match came after 28 minutes of play as former Liverpool midfielder Steven Irwin scored past Kieran Preston to ultimately give his side the win.

Tobias Hayles-Docherty went straight into the Walsall Wood line-up for their Midland Football League clash with South Normanton Athletic as Wood manager and former Saddler Darren Byfield named himself on the bench.

Tobias, who played for most of the match before being replaced by Jordon Smith-Williams, was among friends for his debut as goals from former Walsall scholars Joey Butlin (PEN) and Kyle Rowley saw the Prims, who had been without a match for a couple of weeks, home to victory.

Cameron Peters was named in the Rouslers' starting XI as they took on Kempston Rovers in their latest Evo-Stik Southern League Division One Central fixture of the season.

Sporting were able to continue their good spell of form as goals from Owain Taylor (8', 35'), Jason Cowley (45+1', 55'), and John Pykett (75') saw them secure a comfortable five-nil win.
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