Inside the Mind: of Stuart Sinclair Inside the Mind: of Stuart Sinclair

Inside the Mind: of Stuart Sinclair

As part of Mental Health Awareness Week the EFL have produced a series of interviews talking to players and officials from up and down the footballing pyramid, asking them a variety of questions and getting their stories about mental health.
The ongoing series, titled 'Inside The Mind' can be viewed via the EFL's official YouTube Channel where they carry a number of interviews with players such as our own Stuart Sinclair, who takes time away from his intensive beard nurturing schedule to talk about the importance of looking after your mental health.

The series has been produced in association with the EFL's charity partner, Mind, who continue to provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem, whilst campaigning to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.

For further information on the EFL's 'Inside the Mind' series, visit their official website, here.
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