Loan Watch: Saturday, 2nd March Loan Watch: Saturday, 2nd March

Loan Watch: Saturday, 2nd March

Walsall goalkeeper Joe Slinn, defenders Dan Vann and Callum Cockerill-Mollett, midfielder Jordon Sangha, winger Tobias Hayles-Docherty, and strikers Dylan Parker and Cameron Peters are currently spending time away from the club as they look to force their way into Dean Keates' first-team plans.
Slinn and Parker are at Dales Lane with Rushall Olympic, Vann and Cockerill-Mollett are at the Scholars Ground with Chasetown, Sangha is at Keys Park with Hednesford Town, Hayles-Docherty is at the Boston Bailey Group Stadium with Walsall Wood, and Peters is at the Victoria Ground with Bromsgrove Sporting.

Joe Slinn continued his spell on the sidelines with Matthew Sargeant retaining his place between the sticks as Rushall travelled to Hitchin Town's Top Field for their latest Evo-Stik Southern League Premier Division Central outing of the season.

Slinn's Saddlers colleague Dylan Parker had better luck however as the former FC Stratford prospect returned to the Pics' staring line-up as Liam McDonald's side looked to rebound from last weekend's defeat to Kettering Town.

The match would go on to be a positive one for Dylan and his side as Simeon Maye's first-half goal, which saw Parker grab an assist, proved to be enough to see Rushall home to victory earning three welcome points.

Dan Vann and Callum Cockerill-Mollett were once again named in the Chasetown starting XI as their temporary hosts took on Clitheroe in their Evo-Stik Northern Premier League West Division outing of the season.

The duo, who are enjoying a very successful spell at the Scholars Ground, will be happy with their latest display as they secured another clean sheet, helping their side on the way to a three-nil victory.

The match was all-square for the opening hour but goals from Jack Langston, George Cater, and Daniel Cocks helped Scott Dundas' side to a well-deserved win.

Jordon Sangha was not named in the Hednesford side which faced Grantham Town at Keys Park on Saturday afternoon. His side were able to secure the win in his absence however, as goals from Jack Hallahan and Courey Grantham were enough to cancel out Chris Dawson's late strike to secure all-three points.

Tobias Hayles-Docherty was not among the Walsall Wood squad named to take on Stourport Swifts in the Prims' latest Midland Football League clash of the season.

Darren Byfield's side were able to win the match without their on-loan winger however, as goals from Mitch Tolley and Javia Roberts saw them home to a 2-1 away victory.

Cameron Peters was named among the Rouslers' starting XI as they faced North Leigh in their latest Evo-Stik Southern League Division One Central fixture of the season.

Cameron, who would play for seventy-nine minutes before being replaced by Matt Higgins, was both on the winning side and on the scoresheet as he and Jason Cowley (2), Kyle Lincoln, and Kieran Westwood scored as Bren Kelly's side eased to a comfortable five-nil victory.
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