Loan Watch: Saturday, 23rd February Loan Watch: Saturday, 23rd February

Loan Watch: Saturday, 23rd February

Walsall goalkeeper Joe Slinn, defenders Dan Vann and Callum Cockerill-Mollett, midfielder Jordon Sangha, winger Tobias Hayles-Docherty, and strikers Dylan Parker and Cameron Peters are currently spending time away from the club as they look to force their way into Dean Keates' first-team plans.
Slinn and Parker are at Dales Lane with Rushall Olympic, Vann and Cockerill-Mollett are at the Scholars Ground with Chasetown, Sangha is at Keys Park with Hednesford Town, Hayles-Docherty is at the Boston Bailey Group Stadium with Walsall Wood, and Peters is at the Victoria Ground with Bromsgrove Sporting.

Joe Slinn was once again unable to play through injury with Matthew Sargeant retaining his place between the sticks as Rushall travelled to Latimer Park and took on Kettering Town in their latest Evo-Stik Southern League Premier Division Central outing.

Slinn's Saddlers colleague Dylan Parker retained his spot in the squad but not in the starting XI as manager Liam McDonald opted to shuffle the pack following last weekend's goalless draw with Bedworth United.

A battling and spirited performance from the Pics ended in heartbreak as the league-leading Poppies claimed a winner in the third minute of second-half stoppage time.

Aaron O'Connor's 4th minute header had given the hosts the lead before Danny Waldron put the visitors back on level terms after 31 minutes, only for substitute to Brett Solkhon to crash home the winner late in the day.

Dan Vann and Callum Cockerill-Mollett continued their spells in the Chasetown starting XI as their temporary hosts took on Newcastle Town in the Evo-Stik Northern Premier League West Division.

The defensive duo were able to continue their fine spells of form and help their side to victory, earning another clean sheet as the Scholars cruised to victory by five-goals-to-nil with  James Askey (27'), Ryan Wynter (52'), Jack Langston (74', 79'), and Daniel Cocks (86') all getting on the scoresheet. A superb victory for Scott Dundas' side, building upon last weekend's win over Widnes.

Jordon Sangha was not named in the Hednesford side which faced Buxton at the Silverlands on Saturday afternoon. His side were able to secure the win in his absence as goals from Kieran Wells (8') and Courey Grantham (53') were enough to cancel out Tom Dean's late strike to secure all-three points.

Tobias Hayles-Docherty was not among the Walsall Wood squad named to take on Westfield in the Prims' latest Midland Football League clash of the season.

The match was a competitive affair with the sides taking a share of the spoils as the contest finished two-all at the Boston Bailey Group Stadium.

Cameron Peters was named in the Rouslers' starting XI as they took on Peterborough Sports in their latest Evo-Stik Southern League Division One Central fixture of the season.

Cameron, who would play for seventy-minutes before being replaced by former Saddlers colleague Jake Heath, was on the winning side as goals from Jason Cowley (11)' and Kieren Westwood (21') were enough to make Dion Sembie-Ferris' 33rd minute strike a mere consolation. A great win for Bren Kelly's side.
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