Loan Watch: Saturday, 3rd November Loan Watch: Saturday, 3rd November

Loan Watch: Saturday, 3rd November

Walsall goalkeeper Joe Slinn, defenders Dan Vann and Callum Cockerill-Mollett, midfielder Jordon Sangha, winger Tobias Hayles-Docherty, and striker Cameron Peters are currently spending time away from Banks's Stadium as they look to force their way into Dean Keates' first-team plans.
Summer signing Slinn is on a season-long spell with Rushall Olympic, whilst academy products Vann, Cockerill-Mollett, Sangha, Hayles-Docherty, and Peters are enjoying short-term stays with Chasetown, Ashton United, Halesowen Town, and Bromsgrove Sporting respectively.

Goalkeeper Joe Slinn continued his spell between the sticks for Rushall Olympic as his side travelled to Northamptonshire and faced AFC Rushden and Diamonds in their latest Evo-Stik Southern League Premier Division Central outing.

Slinn, who joined the Saddlers on a free transfer over the summer, was in superb form as he kept a clean sheet ultimately helping his temporary team to secure a much-needed two-nil win. Goals from Orrin Pendley (45+1') and Ben Lund (60') proving enough to secure all three points for Liam McDonald's side.

Defensive duo Callum Cockerill-Mollett and Dan Vann were handed their Chasetown debuts as the Scholars side faced Colwyn Bay in their latest Evo-Stik League First Division West outing.

The match was a high-scoring affair with Colwyn Bay going on to win by four-goals-to-two as Craig Pritchard (43'), Josh Brizell PEN (71') Lassana Mendes (74'), and Ashley Woods (77') netted to secure the win.

It wasn't all bad news though as Cockerill-Mollett bounced back from picking up a first-half caution to grab a debut goal, initially putting his new side back on level terms with a header shortly after the match reached the hour mark.

Chasetown went on to take the lead five minutes later as Muziwandile Nduna crashed the ball home with a diving header. It was all down hill from there, however, as the Bay ultimately took all three points.

Winger Tobias Hayles-Docherty continued his spell of action for Halesowen Town as they made the trip to Garden Walk to take on Royston Town in their latest Evo-Stik South Premier Division Central fixture of the season.

Sadly for the 259 fans in attendance the match was a goalless affair as each side took a share of the spoils during a chilly mild afternoon in Hertfordshire. Both the Yeltz and Crows ended the match with ten men as Lee Hughes saw red for the visitors late in the first-half before Royston striker Adam Murray was dismissed in the second-half.

Tobias played for almost seventy-minutes before being replaced by Aaron Gilpin as Yeltz boss John Hill opted for fresh legs with twenty minutes of the clash remaining.

Striker Cameron Peters was not involved this weekend but did grab a midweek goal as Bromsgrove Sporting took on and defeated Stourport Swifts in the Worcestershire FA Senior Urn last week. Cameron grabbed one of the Rouslers' five goals as they comfortably eased to victory.
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