Loan Watch: Saturday, 24th November Loan Watch: Saturday, 24th November

Loan Watch: Saturday, 24th November

Walsall goalkeeper Joe Slinn, defenders Dan Vann and Callum Cockerill-Mollett, and winger Tobias Hayles-Docherty, are currently spending time away from Banks's Stadium as they look to force their way into Dean Keates' first-team plans.
Summer signing Slinn is on a season-long spell with Rushall Olympic, whilst academy products Vann, Cockerill-Mollett, and Hayles-Docherty are enjoying short-term stays with Chasetown and Halesowen Town respectively.

Joe Slinn retained his place between the sticks as Rushall Olympic played host to Kettering Town in their latest Evo-Stik Southern League Premier Division Central fixture of the season.

Sadly for the Pics, they were unable to build upon last weekend's last-gasp victory over Leiston as Michael Richens' twenty-sixth minute header proved to be enough to see the Poppies home to victory.

A disappointing result for Liam McDonald's side, who pushed for an equaliser during the second forty-five, as they were unable to make it two wins in three league outings.

Dan Vann and Callum Cockerill-Mollett continued their spell in Chasetown's starting Xi as they were named on the teamsheet to take on Kendal Town in the Evo-Stik Northern Premier League Division One West fixture of the season.

Following last weekend's victory over Widnes, the Scholars would secure their third league win of the season as they defeated the Mintcakes by one-goal-to-nil as George Cater slipped the ball under Kendal 'keeper Stuart Dixon.

Dan and Callum played for the full game as their temporary side secured back-to-back clean sheets for the first time this season.

Tobias Hayles-Docherty wasn't involved on Saturday afternoon as Halesowen Town were thrashed by Spennymoor Town in the Buildbase FA Trophy - Third Qualifying Round.

The talented winger was among the starters as the Yeltz faced Barwell in the league last Tuesday evening. The result was another disappointing one for Halesowen as the Canaries won two-nil with former Wolves striker Sylvan Ebanks-Blake among the scorers.
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