Released via saddlers.co.uk, the club confirm; "In accordance of the provisions of the Companies Act 2006, notice is hereby given that the 92nd Annual General Meeting of the company will be held in the Priory Lounge, Banks’s Stadium, Bescot Crescent, Walsall, West Midlands WS1 4SA on Monday, 15th December 2014 at 9:00 am for the following purposes:
1. To receive the statement of accounts for the year ended 31st May 2014 and the reports of the Directors and Auditors thereon.
2. Re-elect N C Bond and P J Gilman as Directors.
3. To confirm the reappointment of Dains LLP, Third Floor, Fort Dunlop, Fort Parkway, Birmingham, West Midlands B24 9FD, as Auditors of the company.
4. To authorise the Directors to fix the Auditors remuneration.
5. To transact any other business of the company.
Please note that if you wish to raise any matter in the section of the AGM reserved for ‘any other business’, you must be a Shareholder and it will be necessary:
a) To submit your questions in writing either by post to be received at the registered office of the Company or by email to info@walsallfc,co.uk by Monday 8th December 2014. Questions received after this date will not be dealt with at the AGM.
b) To be present at the Annual General Meeting. Questions will not be dealt with from Shareholders who are not present at the AGM.
This procedure has been introduced to ensure that the board are able to give accurate answers requiring a detailed reply."