The Captain of the Mad Dogs team will be Chris "Mad Dog" Marsh and this will be his retiring and final game at the Bescot. Chris will be lining up a team of All stars so once again you can see some of your favourites players! Chris played for many happy years at Walsall FC and has turned out for many Charity matches over the years, but has now decided this will be his final match here. So for all you Supporters and fans of Mr Marsh this will be your last chance to see him in action at your home ground
Secondly in a game of lasts this will also be CAT Communications last Charity match at Bescot. CAT have had many seasons of Charity matches at Bescot and have enjoyed every minute and the fundraising has been a success thanks to the supporters of Walsall FC! As a thank you we are now offering the opportunity for 24 lucky supporters to be part of the opposing Cool CAT's team to Chris Marsh's Mad dogs team!
And finally as we said it's a game of lasts some of the funds raised at this very special match will be going to the The Last Chance Hotel Animal Rescue who are Penny's (MD of CAT Communications) favourite charity who she works with on a continual basis. Penny loves the work LCH do to help animals that to anyone else would seem to have run out of chances after being abandoned in kennels, horribly abused or just plain old neglected and they then get their happy ever after!
The second charity we will be making a contribution to is Balls to Cancer , which we hope will show our thoughts and good wishes to Kris Taylor and all those who have also suffered
Admission will be on the gate and will be charged at £2 for Adults and £1 for concessions.
If you'd like the chance to play against the Walsall Legends you can register HERE and say why you want to take part. The closing date is March 31st.